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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bust a "New" Move

Insanity can be defined in various ways. For example, insanity is defined as a foolish act or idea or lack of good sense or judgment. I believe that Albert Einstein defined it best; according to Einstein, insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I have seen and heard this quote a lot in my lifetime. Quite vividly, I remember sitting in church at The Embassy, and Pastor Anthony Knotts preaching on this very subject. Matter of fact, I have never heard that quote until then. Pastor Knotts always motivated us to try something new and let go of the past. 

However, as people, routines, familiarity and comfort are our life. When something seems to be too tough or unlike what we are used to, we easily fall back to what is comfortable or how we have done things in the past. Honestly, Einstein probably should have added "reverting back to what was done in the past instead of taking 'hold' of the new" to his quote as well. Embracing the "new" is challenging, but only because we don't want to let go of the past. 

I was convicted of routines, familiarity and comfort one day while reading. In this particular book, it discussed how important it is to accept and be obedient to the "new" move of God. Of course I got to many times have I missed out on my blessing because I wasn't open to His "new" move? New is only hard because it is unfamiliar! Yet we are in bondage to the "old" way of doing things. There is liberty in the new. I refuse to be bound by any chains of traditions, regulations or anything that will keep me for getting to the "new." I am reminded that the Israelites looked back to Egypt after being set free, and because of it, they wandered for 40 long, tough years. Had they embraced the "new," they could have avoided those years. The Israelites were stuck! Being stuck is no fun at all.

From this day on, I have committed myself to embrace the "new." I am open to whatever, however, whenever, wherever and however. I don't care as long as I get it.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Faith Over Logic

Logic can be a dangerous thing. Don’t get me wrong; logic is important to life as well as knowledge. However, we cannot allow logic and knowledge to trump faith and confidence in God. Proverbs 3: 5 reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.” It does not say trust in the Lord with some of your heart, or trust in the Lord only when things are very important. We are advised to trust in Him with ALL of our heart and lean or depend not to logic or knowledge.

Leaning or depending to your own logic or knowledge is a lack of faith and confidence, and it often leads to destruction. To be honest, I used to only trust in the Lord with some of my heart, and I tried to figure everything out which is so dangerous. The danger is we are finite beings…meaning we can’t wrap our minds around everything, and we don’t know everything. So, why do we have so much trouble having confidence in an infinite being, God, Who knows everything before it ever happens?

Answers to the aforementioned question may vary.

The reason I had trouble believing fully and totally in God is because I had control issues. I had to be in control, and I had to know when and how things would happen. When I didn't have control, I felt lost. Yet, it was when I lost total control, I was at peace. I rather have peace than control any day. Total control is so nerve wrecking; it causes one to be worried, anxious and fearful. And, it makes you responsible for every outcome. The pressures of control leads to nervous breakdowns and health issues.

I’ll conclude with this…I saw a Facebook post which read, “Who is doing this—you or Me?   --God,” and it put things in proper perspective for me. I realized that it is not me but Him Who is in control.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Upon Reflection...

Living in turbulent times often diminishes one's light, will and motivation because there is so much darkness all around. Darkness has a tendency to discourage and depress. However, to me, darkness is a sign that light is around the corner. :))

In some of the darkest times in my life, I contemplated giving up, BUT there was still a small voice which motivated me to keep pushing forward. My dark times have taught me that darkness cannot and will not last always even when it seems as if it will. It is through my darkest hour that I learned to trust in God. Without darkness, I would not know or love Him the way I do. Yes, darkness can absolutely be seen as a negative...which is perspective. But, darkness makes you depend on God...which is a positive...and that's reality.

Even in my darkest times, God is with me. I was reminded of that yesterday morning when I read Exodus 3:12 excerpted below.

           So He said, "I will surely be with you."

Although an Old Testament verse, it still pertains to us today. God is with us. Later in that same chapter, God identifies Himself as I AM (Verse 14) and He goes on to say, This is my name forever (Verse 15). Total excitement!

What is there to be so excited about? Well, for starters, the word "am" means to other words, God can BE anything which is why it is often said, God is all you need. :) And, secondly, forever is defined as continually, for always...PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE. 

God is with us even in such turbulent times, BUT we must trust and depend on Him, so that He can BE.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Strength of my Grandmothers

Strength of my Grandmothers

Throughout my life, strength has always been a characteristic I often witnessed first-hand. My grandmothers were the epitome of strength. Their lives...have encouraged me to stay strong and grounded in the face of adversity. Their lives...showed me how to be a woman of character and how compromise is NOT an option when I am met with a challenge. But, most importantly, their purpose has preserved my life through prayer and their legacy.

The Strength of Christine

Christine, my namesake, was a very classy lady; she was different. Her passion was education, and she did it extraordinarily well. She was awesome at connecting and motivating her students. She was not just a good teacher, but she was great. Her former students often share stories and fond memories of her. Even though I never met her, I was able to form who she was from the stories told. 

My passion for education comes from her. I honestly believe that she prayed that I would be an educator. She prayed that I would impact lives in a positive way. She prayed that I would have a solid foundation, AND she prayed that I would be just as passionate if not more passionate than she about educating and impacting students.

The Strength of Onnie

Onnie exuded strength and love; she wore some of the best and biggest church hats I have ever seen. Onnie was known for those hats. Her strength came from her relationship with God NOT just mere religion. She was faithful. She shared a love that was heavenly. Her love made you feel special. I never saw her worry, but I often saw her kneeling in prayer. She didn't have to waste time worrying because she PRAYED.

She prayed that I would know and love God as she did. She prayed that I would pray. She prayed that I would be grounded in Godly wisdom. She prayed that I would love God's people as she did.

The memories of Christine and Onnie will never fade because their lives impacted and are still impacting so many. I am blessed because of these ladies, and I am so proud to call them mine.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter in LIFE 

Looking back over my life, I never would have thought that I would be where I am at this very moment. New Town. New Job. New Title. New Me. PURE EXCITEMENT. I wonder what is next for me. No worries on this end because I am open to whatever life may bring. I am embracing who I am. Yes EMBRACING. I have been shaped by my experiences and environments. I am well prepared to walk into my "next." The beginning of this "next" chapter has been met with some resistance; however, the resistance is what made me work harder and push harder in prayer. Resistance has encouraged me. If my next chapter was meaningless, there would be no resistance. Resistance is meant to discourage and make one shrink back. Instead of shrinking back, I decided to meet resistance head on...which takes much courage, but I am much more stronger, more wiser, more faithful and more hopeful now. :))

The Preparation

Just as doctors are prepared for helping patients, just as lawyers are prepared for administering legal support for clients and just as educators are prepared to educate students, I have been prepared for "this." I am not talking in the sense of educational preparation; life experiences was my teacher and tutor. I took everything that was thrown at me and sought to see the silver lining. I reflected upon every experience to find the lesson. I had every right to be bitter, but I chose not to be bitter. It was a process, I must admit, but that process gave me joy and peace. 

My Outlook

I did not wake up one day and say, "Hey, I am going to choose joy over bitterness and worry over peace." Matter of fact, there were times where I would choose bitterness and worry because it was familiar to me. It was all I knew. Then, I discovered Joseph. No not Joseph Jesus' earthly father, but Joseph the eleventh son of Jacob whose story is told in Genesis. Joseph kept the faith while being sold by his brothers, enslaved and imprisoned. He was never bitter nor did he worry. He was just the best Joseph he could possibly be despite his environment and situation. Eventually, Joseph was able to "shine" for the world to see. But out of all of that, what is most impressive is that Joseph declared to his brothers, "(20) But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. (21) Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones." Wow. Now that is Godly character; despite how he was treated Joseph still promised to take care of his family. And, Joseph did not dwell on their wrong doings toward him. This is why he is my favorite. There are great lessons in his story.

This next chapter is welcomed because I am positive whatever may come my way, I am ready, well prepared and I will learn from my experiences in order to become a better ME. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Life, LIMITless

Limit, limits, limited...those three words share the negative connotation of boundaries. I am LIMITless! Limited people are those whose thinking is small. I think and dream B.I.G. because I have Belief In God.

Often I allowed the small thinking of others to become "my" thinking. I was in a very dangerous place. My thinking became so small that I limited myself...counted myself out. The day of small thinking is over.I refuse to stunt my growth by thinking small. I refuse to have my process wasted. I refuse to return to small, and I have been blessed and entitled to BIG.

BIG or small...the choice is yours.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Think of butterflies...aren't they beautiful?

Vibrant colors, wings like angels...floating and gliding through the air, it seems, without a care in the world...everytime I see a butterfly it takes me into a deep, deep thought process.

Butterflies are A LOT like humans; just looking at the surface one may say, "Yea, they are like humans because humans are very colorful and no human is the same." Or maybe someone would say, "Butterflies metriculate through life like humans because the more we live, the more we begin to change for the better or worse depending on how life treats you." But unlike humans, butterflies always change for the better. If that is true, then why can't humans always change for the better?

If you look at butterflies from the spiritual sense then humans and butterflies are alike. You see, when a human accepts Christ he becomes a new creature much like butterflies. Butterflies start out as nasty, old, hairy catepillars. Humans who have not accepted Christ start out as nasty, filthy, old sinners, but as Christ begins a work in us, we start to develop a cuccomb. Like the butterfly, we protect ourselves so that we can mature as Kingdom Citizens. One may ask, "What do you protect yourself with?" The answer to that question is very simple and easy...the Word of God and a Bible based church. Once we are fully developed we come out as BEAUTIFUL, VIBRANT butterflies...a new creature!

Now our sole purpose is to win others to Christ with our witness and testimony. Other people will see how you have changed into a totally different person, and they will want to know how that change came about...and there is your opportunity to be fruitful and multiply and win souls for the Kingdom.

So, anytime I see a butterfly, I see ME...a new creature in Christ! ;)